Yin, Yang, Tao

Reposting a  Charles Sanders Peirce quote:

“We cannot begin with complete doubt. We must begin with all the prejudices which we actually have when we enter upon the study of philosophy. These prejudices are not to be dispelled by a maxim, for they are things which it does not occur to us can be questioned. Hence this initial skepticism will be a mere self-deception, and not real doubt… Let us not pretend to doubt in philosophy what we do not doubt in our hearts.”

The difference between a merely theoretical “philosophy” (a.k.a. sophistry) and a lived philosophy lies in completely in existential honesty proved in practice. A philosopher must only consider an idea believed or doubted when he finds himself living his life according to these beliefs or doubts.

Being must be persuaded to truth. Or maybe persuasive truth is the authentic speech of being.


“Supposing truth is a woman–what then? Are there not grounds for the suspicion that all philosophers, insofar as they were dogmatists, have been very inexpert about women? that the gruesome seriousness, the clumsy obtrusiveness with which they have usually approached truth so far have been awkward and very improper methods for winning a woman’s heart? What is certain is that she has not allowed herself to be won:–and today every kind of dogmatism is left standing dispirited and discouraged. If it is left standing at all!” – Nietzsche


Philosophy is not a topic one can study or tell someone about. Philosophy creates topics for study, and things can be told only within the medium of philosophy. There is always a philosophy. In fact, there are always two philosophies: the philosophy that is professed and the philosophy who lives itself out and struggles to profess itself.


Deep mutuality lives in the interplay of object and subject, bundled blindly within the beyond. At times the interplay outspirals in expansive joy. Other times it shrinks in fear.


Tao that can be spoken of,
Is not the Everlasting Tao.
Name that can be named,
Is not the Everlasting name.

Nameless, the origin of heaven and earth;
Named, the mother of ten thousand things.

Therefore, always without desire,
In order to observe the hidden mystery;
Always with desire,
In order to observe the manifestations.

These two issue from the same origin,
Though named differently.
Both are called the dark.
Dark and even darker,
The door to all hidden mysteries.


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