Fourfold help

Two very different cries for help:

  1. Help! We need to figure out what we ought to do!
  2. Help! I need someone to execute tasks for me!

These cries belong together and should not be separated.

Some people only want to sound the second cry, neglecting to sound the first; and some people only want to answer the first cry, while neglecting the second.

“Being in this together” means
both sounding and responding
to both the first and the second cry.


Help! We need to figure out what we ought to do!

Is there another way to see this? — a way that is more productive and more inspiring — that really brings out what matters to all of us?

Let’s look at it from different angles.

What about this way? or, even better… this…

Yes! If we were to take this approach we’d need to do these eight steps…

[Idea semistolen from the One Minute Manager. Yes, I am reading pop-business books. It seems possible that management is the most interesting experience design problem in the world.]

One thought on “Fourfold help

  1. Nice piece, Stephen. Management IS the most interesting experience design problem in the world! I agree with that, and I’d add, one of the most lucrative to solve, in that the solution adheres to a form of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Princiiple and can therefore never be holistically observed or grasped.

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