
Heidegger saw angst as Dasein’s response to the certainty of death, conceived existentially but corresponding to biological death. That is certainly the surest of deaths, but it is not the only possible death that Dasein can undergo. Dasein feels angst in the face of every possibility of deep change.

All things wish for perpetual life, even a mood. Even a mood fears its own death.

The more subject you are to change the more acute your angst.


Ideologies are attempts at artificial existential immortality.


I could see where the most intellectually impoverished, expired and pointless mode of consciousness could recognize its plight in Terri Schaivo.

“Even a human vegetable with no consciousness or hope of recovery deserves an iron-lung. Keep the biological mechanism alive even if it knows not what it does,” shrieks the collective intellectual vegetable with no consciousness or hope of recovery, in a desperate attempt to inhale some spirit from artificial controversy — and it has no idea at all what it is doing or why… it wants to postpone death. “Not yet!”

Come on, Republicans… give up the ghost. Open your hand and let go. It is ok. As Nietzsche said: “Only where there are graves are there resurrections.”

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