Iridescent irritants

Some random notes on the inner topology of oysters…


A pearl is an inside-out oyster shell.


An oyster coats the ocean with mother-of-pearl.

Outside the shell is ocean, inside the pearl is ocean.

Between inner-shell and outer-pearl is slimy oyster-flesh, ceaselessly coating everything it isn’t with mother-of-pearl.

It is as if the flesh cannot stand anything that does not have a smooth, continuous and lustrous surface. We could call the flesh’s Other — that which requires coating — “father-of-pearl”.


Every pearl is an iridescent tomb with an irritant sealed inside. We love the luster of the outer coat, but inside is what was once known as filth.


We could also think of the oyster shell as the fortress walls and the pearl as a prison cell.


We make pearls of what is Other, then love what we’ve made of the Other, which is ourselves.


We love our misunderstandings. We never cut into what we love with critique. Inside is just a grain or a fragment, of interest only to other grains and fragments.


Sometimes an alien bit of beyond gets inside one’s horizon, but it can always be explained.


Imagine Pandora’s box as a pearl turned outside-side in upon its being opened, and Eden as an oyster’s interior turned inside-out into a pearl with Adam’s eviction.

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