Powers of ten

Break us down to the infinitesimal element, of which all thing are constituted, we are alike. Take us together as constitutive of infinity, we are one.

We identify with extremes of scale when we feel overtaxed and weary and need need relief from incessant betweenness. In our mind, which is a place of its own, we burrow into dust to dissolve among quarks or to fly into heaven and see ourselves converge to zero from the vantage of beyond. Both are ways to desituate ourselves; to stand apart from where we always are.

The same operation can be performed with time, identifying with the deep past and distant future, and again with our existence between the chthonic animal instincts at our roots and the transcendence of mundane life.

We become escapees and exiles from the center, our prison home.


None of us live at extremes of space, time or self. We can’t even touch them. We areĀ suspended between them, and experience them purely through their tension.

For us, there is only tension, and from that tension fixed points are interpreted.


Reality is not in entities but in relations. The entities follow from the relationships, but the mind seizes them and commits its characteristic ontic error. They are thinged.


An object can be comprehended. Our participation in the world is incomprehensible.

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