Imagine a world where we are all finally living together harmoniously under the best form of government. A world where people can live the lives they really deserve. A world where children are well-educated and well-parented. A world where the market shapes our lives to the degree it ought to, and is regulated only where regulation is helpful. A world where employers are fair to their employees. A world where we have solved the problems of healthcare and unreasonable tax policies. A world where individuals and communities are granted their rights of self-determination within appropriate limits. A world where each individual behaves virtuously, as instructed by correctly interpreted holy scripture. A world where humankind and nature and divinity are put in their proper order. A world where we take seriously only the true claims of science and reject the pseudo-science of ideologues. A world where the bad guys have been vanquished, and the good guys are firmly in charge.
Who could imagine such a world and not want to make it a reality?
If we are serious about making this happen we will need an army of well-trained scientists, mathematicians and technologists capable of bringing it about.
It is time to get serious about education.