Trial lawyers and teachers

A trial lawyer is an expert in using coercive reason against aggressive and unreceptive minds, and usually in order to persuade witnesses observing the exchange from an outside “objective” perspective, not the partner involved in the exchange. Reason is used to buttress one’s own position and to undermine the opposing position. And the conversation is more staged than real.

A teacher is an expert in using collaborative reason in dialogue with cooperative and receptive minds. The exchange is meant to persuade the partner, and is not (primarily) performed for witnesses. Reason is used to reveal the strengths of each position as well as to expose weaknesses, but less for the sake of advocating or eliminating unworthy positions than to spur creativity and to improve the positions, or to find paths to superior positions.


A trial lawyer in a classroom teaches by destroying stupidity and clearing the ground for new ideas.

A teacher in a courtroom creates possibilities in a space overcrowded with offensiveness and defensiveness.


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