American Olympus

One of the ideals I somehow absorbed or derived or instaurated from Nietzsche is the concept of Olympian pluralism. For a passionate practical worldview to be divine — as opposed to titanic — it must maintain loyalty to a deeper uniting and transcendent practical worldview, that which keeps it in community with other practical worldviews … Continue reading American Olympus

Rorty’s wonderful omissions

One of the great pleasures of reading Richard Rorty is experiencing his precise neglect of nonhuman actors. The man lived in a wordworld of free-floating humans whose sole purpose was conversation. It helps make what I learned from Bruno Latour extra tangible, that what we converse about is rooted as much in our tacit interactions … Continue reading Rorty’s wonderful omissions

Foot, eye, hand, heart and head

I’m working on a simple framework for aguiding the instauration of individual and collective common sense. Foot: Where have you (and others) stood within the situation, and where are you standing now? Eye: What are you (and others) trying to observe? Hand: How are you (and others) acting on the situation? Heart: Why do you … Continue reading Foot, eye, hand, heart and head

Why do I love design research?

Why do I love design research? First, I love new ideas. Performing design research early in a project generates fresher ideas. Yes, the ideas are better informed, but more importantly, they are better inspired. When we know something we are selectively filtering what seems irrelevant. But what is deemed relevant to any industry gets overcropped … Continue reading Why do I love design research?

Myth thematics and mathematics

Myths are narrative formulas. In mythological algebra the characters are variables; the plots, operators. * To express an objective matter with precision, mathematize it. To express a subjective matter with immediacy, mythematize it. * Is mathematics inherent in nature? Are myths inherent in humanity? Perhaps both are collaborations with immanence: true instaurations.