Truth and cooperation

Different thoughts require different degrees and kinds of cooperation to be understood at all.


If you think true thoughts are self-evidently true — not only requiring no cooperation but actively overcoming all resistance and doubt by virtue of their truth — you’ll be protected from all truly new thoughts.

And also, if you believe that a thought that requires cooperation is necessarily delusional/ideological, you’ll also never learn anything outside of your own thought schema, which, by the way, includes your conception of truth as self-evident…

2 thoughts on “Truth and cooperation

  1. Today in a class we discussed this concept from Karl Popper: A theory’s validity/truth is not determined by proving the theory true empirically. More specifically, theories have to be falsifiable in order to be scientific in nature and possibly true.

  2. Yes. And this is exactly why “intelligent design” is not scientific and has no place in a science curriculum, except as an example of an idea that MIGHT be true but is nevertheless not a scientific theory.

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